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Music from our years

Dale perching for the right shot
Cloud Cole
Carolyn G, Eric S, Bev M
Charlie W
Vivian A, George E
Bev, Ro & Denny
Denny, Ro, Dale  Ken
Carolyn, Jacquie & Jim
Ed Austin
Dixie, Nora, Anne & Bev
Diane Wilson
Dale Daniels
John Accola & Jim Evans
Tom Roush
Margaret McKelvey
PaulaHeariold & Jacquie Russell Evans
Ruth "Frog"
Roland Griffith  &  Ken Reed
Sharon Sharp & Karen Cooper
Margaret Fehn
Judy, Sue & Vivian
Sharon Sharp
Steve Pendry & Gene Stout
Sue Huber
Karen Cooper Madsen
Nancy Stout
Pam Tallman
Nora & Anne
Margaret Fehn  Nick Flannery
Gloria, Connie & Denny
Karen Cooper Madsen
Judy, Sue & Vivian
Judy Arnold
Jim Oxenreider & Jack Brown
John Gersib
John Accola
Jesserean & Gene
Jim Oxenreider & Jack Brown
Jim & Bev Aziere & Ruth Morris
Jacquie & Jim Evans
Jackie Brilz  Janet Cook
Esther Larson John Gersib

"Without name tags, I think most of us would have been lost. 


Wouldn't it be fun to go without the name tags and see if we can figure out who is who?"

Tom Roush

"It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one getting older."


John Accola

Wow! What a wonderful multi-day celebration with fellow graduates of North High Class of 1963! We might be a little older but we are also even better for all of our experiences since graduation. Thank you to the planning committee - outstanding time had by all!


Sue Huber Harrington

What a great time and a great turnout.  Our class is like a fine wine, we get better with age!


Gary Howe

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