A Bill & Pam Thompson Project

Friday, June 4, 2021

Hat's off to
Bill & Pam Thompson
Nothing could stop this project.
Not even Covid19.

Photo credits to:
Judy Arnold
Marci Twiss Neary
Rendezvous on Riverview


Hard work went into raising money for the Performing Arts stage in Riverview Park.
A $250,000 check was presented by the board members to the City of Des Moines City Council meeting.
This group of dedicated volunteers has raised more than $600,000 toward this project
that will transform the Highland Park/Oak Park neighborhoods.
THE PICTURES TELL THE STORY: Bill & Pam Thompson, holding the presentation check for the Parks Area Foundation, is a North High classmate. Bill and his wife Pam have dedicated countless hours working toward the fulfillment of a significant live performance venue on Riverview Island, the site of the old Riverview Park. Congratulations Bill and Pam on this latest achievement.
UPDATE: 9/17/19:
Construction is moving along as planned. At this time the grounds work and concert area are in progress and we are hoping that all will be completed by mid November.
The plan is to then, in the spring, install the above ground steel hoops which will complete the stage structure
We are now starting to work on programming for 2020.
Weather permitting the completion date for the park is 7/1/2020 and will begin with a July 3,2020 - Rendezvous On Riverview kickoff and ribbon cutting.
UPDATE: 6/13/2020:
The steel to complete the stage is on site and the cranes are set up to lift it in place. The stage completion is set for sometime the last two weeks of July. So far so good with the weather.
We are hoping to plan a grand opening for sometime this fall. With the current condition of our world who knows if that will happen. We are just keeping our fingers crossed.
UPDATE: 7/23/2020:
The equipment for the all-inclusive Variety Star Playground at Riverview Park has arrived and is scheduled to be installed!
We are so excited to see the second all-inclusive playground in Des Moines, the third in the state, come to fruition.
This could not have been done without the support from our generous donors!
UPDATE: 9/1/2020:
The park is Riverview Park which is a City of Des Moines Parks Department public city park. The stage is built on the site of the old Riviera ballroom and is named the Prairie Meadows Riviera Stage.
Construction is winding down and the concrete has been poured for the Variety Star Children's Playground.
There is various landscaping areas yet to be done and general work to be completed.
Ribbon cutting and the first show will happen sometime next spring.